Monday, October 15, 2012

Lots of Physical Fitness at Hopkins!

I know I've said it hundreds of times- but, I LOVE our kiddos school.
I am very involved in it and try to be in the school as much as possible. My kids love when I'm there, and I love it, too. I get to see what goes on and develop relationships with the people whom my kids are around a large percentage of their day. Its awesome! 
Hopkins is very concerned with the health and fitness of its students (which I love) and I got to help out in three different fun fitness events in the last 2 months..
1. Field Day

2. Hop-A-thon
 This is our PTO's biggest fundraiser. 
Kids raise money, and then run laps around the field and get prizes, etc. 
Here are my kids laps:
Sophia- 45
Arianna- 32
Ella- 35
Now, mind you, these are 1/4 mile laps and we walked, cartwheeled, jogged and ran them.
But, I was still very proud of all the effort they put into this event and I was pretty sore the next day as well! The kids love that a lot of the teachers come out and participate with them. 

3. Fun Run
Every year, the whole school runs to Mark Twain Elementary School and back. And Twain does it as well. Its SO much fun to see two neighborhood schools participate. Parents stand along the route and hold signs and cheer the kids on! Police cars escort the race. The roads are shut down around the school. We even got the local high school pep band to come and play for the kids at the finish line. 
The PTO purchases shirts for every student and each year they are different. 
I LOVE the design this year! 
Our local Whole Foods donated hundreds of bananas. It was awesome! 
Plus, we have some pretty amazing scenery for our run- leaves changing colors and gorgeous mountains in the distance! Breathtaking! 

I praise God for the health He has blessed my family with to be able to ENJOY these great gifts from Him! I praise God for a school that emphasizes the importance of taking care of our bodies. 
God is good to me and every perfect gift comes down from Him! 

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