Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Jumping in the Chilly Arkansas River {Our family vacation: part four}

 The Arkansas River was very close to the cabin so we found a little pull-off and checked out the river.
It was INCREDIBLY cold but the kids enjoyed dipping their toes in the water. 

 At one point a raft with a family and a guide pulled on the bank and the guide told the guys they could jump off the big boulder below and the water is SUPER deep. 
So, the guy did it and once they left, the twins wanted to do it, too! It was good 6 ft jump and let me mention again that the water was FREEZING COLD! 
 The videos I have that prove that they actually jumped in are on my computer but I cannot figure out how to get it uploaded so I can show it on here.
 (and my husband- whom I always ask these technology related questions- is in the sky on his 10 hour flight to London at this present moment) 
So you will have to wait till a later date to see the videos! 
But they did it and survived. I was so proud of their adventurous spirits! 
(Ella and Elijah also jumped in up to their bellies with Mark holding their hands- 
they didn't want to be left out!) 

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