Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Royal Gorge {Our family vacation: part three}

 We were able to see the Royal Gorge while were out in Canyon City and it was incredible! 
We took the little red cable car across the gorge (see picture on the right) 
It was pretty scary. It goes 1,000 feet over the Arkansas River
 According to the signs, this is the world's highest suspension bridge.
And it was built for tourism.

 And there were lots of touristy things- like merry-go-rounds!

and trains!~
The Conductor asked Ella to ring the bell, 
yell "All Aboard", 
toot the whistle 
and sit on the conductors chair.
She thought she was hot stuff.

 The incline railway was really cool.
 It took you to the bottom of the gorge to the river via these little cages attached to a pully system. 

 They also had an Old Western Town- it was fun!

 And what touristy attraction wouldn't be complete without animals:) 
 We really enjoyed our day here at the Gorge. 
It was fun to see and cross off our list of things to do in Colorado! 

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