Monday, June 3, 2013

Agnes Falls Hike and Fishing at Chalk Lake {Our family vacation part two}

We were able to go fishing at Chalk Lake and it was so peaceful and calm. 
We didn't catch anything but it sure was fun.
The kids were so patient. 

 We then headed over to Agnes Fall Trailhead and hiked about 30 minutes to the waterfall and then back down. It was a very easy hike for kids although there are a LOT of rocks all over but that was part of the fun! It was a gorgeous day! And the views were fantastic! 

 I was pretty stoked with how this mini waterfall picture turned out:) 
We made it to the top and it was beautiful! The rock quarry was so HUGE!
 Look at Mark in the picture below to get a scale for how big this waterfall was!

 We were able to scramble over the rocks to get pretty close. 
The water was actually misting us as it was hitting the rocks below. 

Mark decided to try to get higher so we watched from below. 
Can you spot his blue shirt in the picture?
As we were climbing back down we saw a mountain goat and a baby goat up on the cliffs. 

 The views were just amazing! 

 And this pics for you, Mom! 
Our new Honda Pilot:) 
It did wicked awesome up in the mountains! 

1 comment:

  1. So glad you were able to go! It looked fabulous.
