Sunday, June 2, 2013

Our Family Vacation to the Mountains: Part one

 Over Memorial Day Weekend, our family was able to get away up into the mountains. 
It was such a special time! 
My friend Sarah, from Hopkins, asked me if our family would like to use their cabin in the mountains and we agreed right away! It was so very kind of them to offer it to us. 
The cabin was 3 hours from us and is located between Salida and Canyon City. (it was very rural) 
The drive there was gorgeous as we drove along the Arkansas River which runs thru a steep cliff canyon. 

 There was no internet, cable or cell phone service so it was so wonderful to unplug and truly relax without any distractions. We did a lot of reading, playing games, exploring, roasting marshmallows  grilling, relaxing by the river, etc. 

 Sam, Ben and Nate had TONS of legos at the cabin so our kids thoroughly enjoyed playing with them for hours and hours! We also loved counting all the deer around. We counted around 50 one night. 
This trip was just what we needed as a family after a very busy school year!
Also, Mark is leaving for Kenya, Africa on June 5th so it was great to spend some quality time as a family together before he takes that big trip. 
We did take a few day trip outings in the mountains and I'll blog about those soon:) 

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