Friday, June 10, 2011

Journal Update: Day 1 of 17

 I am going to try to blog every night about the days activities so Mark can 
SEE what we have been up to everyday! 

 Day 1- we dropped Mark off at the airport and then went to Bass Pro Shoppe- 
a HUGE sporting goods store and 
Grandma joined us !It was REALLY fun! 
They had tons of stuffed dead animals and lots to look at and do.
Grandma came with us and we had so much fun!

 I think the kids favorite part was the boats and ATV section!
Sophia kept asking if we could get one- ha! They averaged around $20,000

 We did errands in the afternoon and then the twins had a sleepover birthday party to go to at Sheas house! They have been SO very excited about this party!
I on the other hand, am a bit nervous, seeing as this is only the 2nd sleepover they have gone to in Colorado- the first being with a friend when they were 5 and I had to go pick them up at 3 in the morning because Arianna was sad and couldn't go back to sleep. 
So, we will see what tonight brings. Its almost 11:30pm and no call yet! 
Hopefully a year has brought about more maturity!

ready to go

please ignore how HORRIBLE I look in this picture:) 

Ella was pretty bummed that she didnt have a party to go to so we had a fun time of swimming after dinner at home! Then we rented Despicable Me and ate ice cream in bed- it was fun and both Ella and Elijah were so happy for cuddles in bed with momma! It was a VERY good day and it went VERY fast! 
Yeah, for one down- 16 to go!


  1. Very cool. The twins looked adorable with all their luggage for the sleepover.

  2. Guess I need to take my girls to the Denver Bass Pro Shop to compare it to the other one we went to in Springfield, MO. Glad you had a special night with the little two. Hope the twins had a successful sleepover!
