Saturday, June 11, 2011

Journal Update: Day 2 of 17

 Today we joined Miss Megan and her sister Briahna yard sale-ing and it was SO much fun! I found a jogging stroller for $20 and was SO excited because it was in great condition and I really want to start walking/running with Lij once all the kids are in school in the fall. I also found 2 pairs of ballet shoes for Ella that were hardly used for 50 cents each and a leotard for her for $2.00- the kids found some polly pockets and barbies for cheap and its SO cute watching them contemplate what is the best deal and what they should do with their money!   They LOVE going to yard sales- I remember going with my mom when I was little and my grandparents (they did it every Saturday!)

It was nice coming home and letting them play with their new toys for hours in the basement! Listening to them pretend cracks me up! I was able to get more Esty orders done which was nice. After dinner, we went to the girls school to play on the playground. We stayed for 2 hours and I was able to read a few chapters of a book lying at the bottom of the slide. It was SO relaxing! The weather tonight was divine- breezy and not too hot. The kids did well till the end when the 3 girls all fell (separate times) and got bloody knees. Ella cried the whole way home. That was fun.

Needless to say, everyone was VERY ready for bed! Ella fell asleep at 7pm and Elijah put himself to bed shortly after and fell asleep on his own! I didnt even tell him to go to bed! He was tired!  On a side note, see his monkey pillow- he LOVES that pillow and wont go to sleep without it! 
 The twins were SO tired too- the sleepover was a HUGE success- Arianna went to bed at 11:00 and Sophia at 10:15 (no calls in the middle of the night), so they were more than ready to go to bed early tonight and they fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow! 
It was a good day!
p.s. Mark should be getting into Ethiopia around 10 or 11pm tonight- Colorado time! I am all ready to skype with him. They have a short layover and then they will take a plane to Nairobi! 


  1. I am enjoying your updates. Looks like y'all are keeping busy and having fun! (except for the hurt knees) Too cute that Elijah put himself to bed. Hope you are doing good tonight. :)

  2. A pink shirt on Elijah? Really?
