Sunday, June 12, 2011

Journal Update: Day 3 of 17

 Today we spent the morning playing at Cornerstone Park Sprayground- it was warm early today, so I sat in the shade and read while the kids played in the water and on the playground- they were pretending to be gorillas and Arianna was Jane and Elijah was the gorilla catcher- it was hilarious!  I could hear the gorilla grunts all over the playground! 

 We then went to Grandma and Grandpas for lunch and Matt beat up Lij 
a bit so he doesnt become a pansy while Mark is away! 
Grandpa also got them a new Toy Story thing so they were having fun with that for the longest time! 

 The kids didnt want to leave- they were all snuggled up to Grandpa 
while Ella showed Grandma her mad tech skills!
 Then it was time for church- our church meets at 4pm, which is really nice! 
It was wonderful getting encouragement from II Corinthians 5
about how the "love of Christ controls us.." very convicting and encouraging too!
And guess where Lij was after church-
hanging onto Bobby's leg and getting roughed up by him as well.
I think he misses Mark-
poor guy, surrounded by women 24/7
 After church we grabbed a bowl of cereal for dinner and 
then headed to the pool to get in a swim before bed!
 My kids are becoming water junkies! 
and are sporting a pretty good tan! 
I am glad that they are comfortable in the water- 
the twins have been swimming under water this summer more then ever 
and can hold their breath for a LONG time!
 Elijah finally has gained enough courage to go in the little pool all by himself 
and Ella can reach the botom of the big pool if she stands on her tiptoes- 
she has been getting more adventurous by taking off her floaty ring
 and going in without it! with me right by her, of course 
(dont panic Mark!)! 

 I think I am going thru Mark withdraw- 
we have only talked for about 5 minutes in the past 48 hours... 
due to internet problems at the center. 
Hopefully they will be fixed tonight so we can skype- 
it is 8pm here, which is 5am in Kenya- 
he should be calling within the next 2 hours and 
I miss his voice and his face:) 

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