Have you ever had one of those days where you wish it were a movie and you could hit the rewind button and start all over? Well, today was one of those days for me. It started out well. I got up in the nick of time to make Mark's lunch for his first day of teaching at Valor and even tucked in a little love note which I have done every day since we've been married on his first day of school. I went back to bed and lounged around for another hour while the kids watched Dora in bed with me. Finally, after having enough of the little blows to my side, face, head, etc by my little monster Elijah, I got up and made cream of wheat and toast for the kids for breakfast. I had a busy day planned so I wanted to get out the door so I skipped my morning cup of java so I could pick up the house and get everything ready to go. BAD MISTAKE.
We were out the door by 9 which is amazing to me. I stopped at the library to drop off a puppet that didnt get returned a week ago. I stopped by the post office to grab some stamps for LATE birthday cards from August that desperately needed to be mailed. I then wanted to take the kids to a new park that a coworker suggested to me- Civic Green Park. It is in Highlands Ranch and has sprinkler and a little wading pool along with playground equipment. It is AWESOME and thought what a great mom am I to take my kiddos here for a fun morning of play. I thought wrong. After an hour, I was sure I was the worst mom on the planet and had the naughtiest children on the planet.
It started with Sophia getting stung by a bee on the way to the sprinklers. (her first bee sting) It swelled up. She was SO upset. She brought along her little cats and a picnic blanket and pretend food for them. After spreading it all out, she went to go in the water. Then Ella took her kitties bowl and Arianna took the kitties cup . Sophia lost it. She started crying and then ran away pouting. I let Ella and Arianna continue to play while Elijah tried desperately to get wet (he wasnt in his bathing suit) and Sophia sat in the grass a good 10 feet from us. After 15 minutes, I dragged Sophia over to me and had her sit in time out the rest of the time they played. Then we packed ALL the many towels,etc and went to the playground where Ella screamed every time I walked away. Sophia, already in a foul mood, went to play on a twirly thing and another little boy jumped in front of her and got it. Sophia lost it yet again- and ran away screaming. I had enough so I packed up all the stuff and Elijah in my hands and called for the other two and started walking to the car which was on a HUGE hill like a mile away (not really but it felt like that) Ella proceeded to scream and run AWAY from me (she never does that) Sophia is crying and Elijah is squirming to get down all while I have a gazillion things in my arms and am ready to snap !!! Oh, I was SO mad. FINALLY, I got them all in the car feeling utterly embarrassed and like the worst mom in the world who cant control her kids. I hate that! So we started driving home and I was fuming. I told Sophia and Ella they were going to be disciplined when we got home and both of them were crying and sobbing. The worst part was, that I needed to get diapers for Elijah because we were totally out, so we HAD to stop at King Soopers which added to my embarrasement by 100 percent as I pushed around 4 kids in a cart with 2 of them crying so loudly. Oh my, how could my day get worse!
We get home and Elijah crawls over to a little table by the door and pulls it down on his head, breaking my lamp, the light bulb and a candle that I loved. Glass everywhere, 3 kids screaming, mom loosing her patience! It was a BAD day!
Since then, it has calmed down. Ella and Elijah are fast asleep in bed. Sophia has told me she loves me at least 10 times since she got in trouble:) and Arianna has reminded me about every 10 minutes that she was really good today! I have eaten lunch and am now drinking my missed cup of Joe. I guess every mom has these types of days and I hope I dont have to experience one anytime soon...
P.S. Weird side note, I was chatting with Mark and he said his day has been horrible. He bought candy for his kids for rewards for a game and placed it by his projector and it melted and he couldnt use it. Then, he accidentally spilled water on his laptop and it wouldnt work for 2 class periods and had all his games and notes he worked on till midnight last night. So, he had to improvise. Poor guy. It's just one of those days!
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
Oh, Chas! I feel your pain! I have DEFINATELY had days like that-every mom does! An older lady once told me that when i have bad days liek that i need to stop and pray and thank God that my children were not born Mute, Deaf, or Lame! (and sometimes i think why would i pray that, today that woudl be nice!--but in reality, its true-though hard to admit in those moments!) don't skip your coffee or Bible when rushing out the door--that NEVER FAILS to ensure my bad days! Better day tomorrow!
woa... you're definitely NOT alone! I just never seem to have the energy to blog about it. :) Tomorrow couldn't be worse so look forward to that, and your morning cup of coffee!
Sorry you had a bad day, and hope tomorrow is much, much better!
Oh, Chastity! I'm so sorry! That WAS a bad day...phew! I'm tired just READING it! Today is a new day and I'm sure ANYTHING that happens would be an improvement to yesterday! Praying for you! You can do it! His mercies are new every morning....PRAISE GOD!
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