Sunday, November 23, 2014

Veterans Day 2014

 Veteran's day at Hopkins is one of my favorite assemblies. The girl scouts and boy scouts march the flags in and each class sings the theme song for every branch of the military. There is an awesome slide show of pictures of family members who have served our country and one kid from each class reads an essay they wrote about Veterans Day. Many veterans come for the assembly and I love the respect and honor the kids show them on this day. 

Little Findley, whom I babysit a few days a week, joined in on the fun! 

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Kids First 5K

 Some awesome parents from Hopkins started a Run Club this year and Ella and Elijah wanted to be part. Amazingly, they ran twice a week after school/before school. 
They ran on the Highline Canal with chaperones. It was great. 
I LOVE that our school really pushes fitness and wellness! 

The Run Club culminated with a 5K race called the Littleton Stride. 
It was a great day and Mark also ran it after practicing for a few months. 
I have been so proud of all his exercise and its really showing! 
He's lookin' good! 
The twins walked the race with another friend. 
Took them an hour and 14 minutes! 
Mark did it in 27 minutes and me and the little two walked/ran it in 44 minutes. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween Fun

 The Boo Ball this year went so well and the kids had a great time! Ella won a Teacher Treat and gets to go to Yogurtland and do a random act of kindness with Mrs. Ervin! She's pretty pumped! I made all these little skeleton guys to hold the Teacher Treat signs. Thanks Pinterest for the idea! 

 Jon and Franki helped out at the event on the dance floor and then at the photo booth. They rocked.

 Julianne was the cutest little princess EVER! 
 LOVE that the girls like to dance with their Daddy most of all! 

 It was Ella's lucky night because her name was also randomly drawn 
for a SPAZ attack on Mr. Winger, our principal. 

 On Halloween, the kiddos get to have a party. 
I love going around taking pics of all the cool snacks and games! 

Elijah LOVEs his teacher, Mrs. Sustr! 

 This is the twins LAST Halloween party in Elementary School:( 

 Haloween night, we always go over to Grandma and Grandpa for pizza and trick or treating. 
But first we visit Mr. Andy, our neighbor:) 

 We hit up two other parties after trick or treating- one at the Lee's and one at Jon and Frankis! 
Elijah met Batman and I think he thought he was really real! 
It was a busy and late night but so awesome!