Saturday, May 24, 2014

Paper Sorting

I just love/hate the last day of school when the kids come home with piles and piles of papers... I have started a pretty good little system where throughout the year, I file them in a little folder and then at the end of the year make a binder for each kid with the papers that I haven't thrown out:) I'm collecting quite a few binders with 4 kids. I notice though that every year, the binders get smaller and smaller because they do so much of their work on the computer. But I am glad that I saved special papers, etc from their younger years. I remember going through boxes of old school papers with my mom and being the sentimental person that I am am, just loved it. I would love those same experiences for my kiddos when they are grown:)

So, I came across these gems from Elijah! I was cracking up!!! 

 "Dear Mom, 
We have a problem. 
Ella looks at me mean every day. 
Ella doesn't want me to help her. 
She says go away. 
One time she hit me with a fork. 
She is mean, I tell you, she's mean.
Your son, Elijah"

Then to show that he really loves his sister.. I found this one that he wrote...
"Dear Ella from Elijah
I love you 2000 tons
Can I sleep with you
to do today
play with Ella
play balls with Ella
play babies with Ella
read books with Ella"

Priceless. I tell you. Priceless. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love! Love! Love!